You got to this moment, being exactly who you are right now...
If you truly want what you want for your future, in your life and in your business, you will be looking to embrace the Next Version to get there
It's my mission to lead you to see & realize your potential. Lead you to who you NEED to be to grow your business!!
Your Mindset is part of what's holding you back
The Imposter Syndrome
The Self Doubt
The Scarcity Mindset
Your Procrastination
& Overwhelm are holding you back
Allow me to help you move THROUGH it and be the BEST COACH YOU CAN BE!
Mindset Collective Weekly Calls
& Membership!
We get together once a week to discuss Mindset, Social Media Strategies and So much More that pertains to business!
There is a Monthly Membership & Full Year Membership Option!
This program is designed to help you identify, or clarify your niche, gain a vision, plus give you tools to work through the mindset obstacles that happen in this profession! Much of this work also helps you develop content for your social media so you can attract your ideal client
The modules are as follows:
The Vision
The WHY/Core Values
Goal Setting & the Inner critic - how it holds you back
The Inner Critic & Creating the Shift
Self Sabotage
Unshakeable & Limitless Evaluation
Success & Fear of Failure
Time Management
Scarcity/Abundance Mindset
Money Mindset
Recap & Assessment
Book a consultation call and we will determine if I'm the right coach for you!
I will not take you on as a client if I'm not the best fit for you!
I was a Coach and Trainer - JUST LIKE YOU!
When I started into this industry, I NEEDED someone like me - I had self doubt, and constantly sat on the "struggle bus"
I didn't feel worthy - and it held me back.
Until I did the work for myself
AND became the Coach I needed many years ago! AND Developed a 12 week Program
Unshakeable & Limitless Mindset
Designed to help YOU move through the struggles of becoming a coach!
I have been in your shoes, and I am bringing tools and strategies to help you succeed at your full potential!!
I also carry many plates, from being an Entreprenuer, Certified Nutrition Coach, Education in Human Services, Homeschooling Mom, Athlete, Gran to a precious baby girl ,
and have a firm belief and understanding that you CAN show up exactly as you need to in all areas.... and my programs & coaching is designed to help you learn to do that