I love everything about it.  I’m a self proclaimed hopeless romantic - and have the tattoo to show for it 😉💖 I love seeing people in love   Whether it be in love with themselves or others  I love celebrating other people’s success in love and their love stories  I’m in awe of those who have went through hell and back again, through the yuck and have still got it going on - I admire those people.  I love experiencing love  I love being in love - with myself... and with others... be it friends, or potential relationships..  it’s an adventure...  It’s taken me a LOT of time to not feel weird in admitting that. I thought it was a weakness and frivolous  to be and feel this way. I thought I was setting myself up to be hurt by being this way... by being vulnerable and raw in expressing my thoughts and emotions...  That’s when I realized that I can only be hurt, if I allow myself to be hurt... and prior to realizing that, I broke my own heart over. And over. And over again.  I have always loved people hard...  and up until 12 years ago, I loved them harder than I loved myself.   I loved their potential - which is wonderful in my work, terrible in personal relationships, because I was seeing potential in people who didn’t see it or didn’t want to see it in themselves, and no desire to grow into their potential, nor grow with me.  I dated and married potential.   I friended potential.  And while I continued to grow, I outgrew so many of them in one way, shape or form, meanwhile my need to stay committed held me in those relationships long after they had expired.   That’s when I learned that I needed to flip that around...  I learned that, I loved myself harder, those around me would FEEL THE RIPPLE EFFECT of it.  As I learned to love me more,  I was more loving, more compassionate, more empathetic, more passionate, more determined, more driven by my passion, more persistence, persevered more, and  more intuitive to emotions.   Prior to that, I was had WALLS  ...massive walls...  walls that “protected me” from people hurting me. I was described as cold, mean, selfish....  My walls just kept everyone and everything out. Everything and Everyone who had inflicted pain on me.  I look back on it now, with gratitude, as it helped me see that  WALLS do not protect. They put you in prison  BOUNDARIES protect you.  They are flexible and allow you to decide when you can shift the boundary and allow people in, or to have space when you need it.  They allow you to stay safe and with distance from the basement dwellers.  They allow you to protect your energy.  Boundaries are like the bridge with a gate...  and your self love & self worth are the gate keepers.  Boundaries enable you to change your mind and say “no” after you may have already said yes...   And the best part.   You will quickly find out who your people are, based on how they receive your boundaries.  Those who don’t belong, will be hurt, pissed, upset by your boundaries.  Those who are meant to be in your life will understand and respect your boundaries  When we look at it in this manner, boundaries are one of the best tools to help guide you through your life!!  Boundaries are your guardian to your “Pillars”, Morals, Fulfillment Needs and Values...  which can be an entirely different writing topic 💖 The moral being, loving love isn’t frivolous, or weak... having Walls are like being in prison, and having Boundaries are the Bridge to something Extraordinary and Beautiful...  The Beauty of loving yourself so others can feel The RIPPLE Effect 💖

Building Bridges

November 13, 20233 min read

Original Post Date:
March 13, 2021

I love everything about it.

I’m a self proclaimed hopeless romantic - and have the tattoo to show for it 😉💖

I love seeing people in love

Whether it be in love with themselves or others

I love celebrating other people’s success in love and their love stories

I’m in awe of those who have went through hell and back again, through the yuck and have still got it going on - I admire those people.

I love experiencing love

I love being in love - with myself... and with others... be it friends, or potential relationships.. it’s an adventure...

It’s taken me a LOT of time to not feel weird in admitting that. I thought it was a weakness and frivolous to be and feel this way. I thought I was setting myself up to be hurt by being this way... by being vulnerable and raw in expressing my thoughts and emotions...

That’s when I realized that I can only be hurt, if I allow myself to be hurt... and prior to realizing that, I broke my own heart over. And over. And over again.

I have always loved people hard...

and up until 12 years ago, I loved them harder than I loved myself.

I loved their potential - which is wonderful in my work, terrible in personal relationships, because I was seeing potential in people who didn’t see it or didn’t want to see it in themselves, and no desire to grow into their potential, nor grow with me.

I dated and married potential.

I friended potential.

And while I continued to grow, I outgrew so many of them in one way, shape or form, meanwhile my need to stay committed held me in those relationships long after they had expired.

That’s when I learned that I needed to flip that around...

I learned that, I loved myself harder, those around me would FEEL THE RIPPLE EFFECT of it.

As I learned to love me more,

I was more loving, more compassionate, more empathetic, more passionate, more determined, more driven by my passion, more persistence, persevered more, and more intuitive to emotions.

Prior to that, I was had WALLS

...massive walls...

walls that “protected me” from people hurting me. I was described as cold, mean, selfish.... My walls just kept everyone and everything out. Everything and Everyone who had inflicted pain on me. I look back on it now, with gratitude, as it helped me see that

WALLS do not protect. They put you in prison

BOUNDARIES protect you.

They are flexible and allow you to decide when you can shift the boundary and allow people in, or to have space when you need it.

They allow you to stay safe and with distance from the basement dwellers.

They allow you to protect your energy.

Boundaries are like the bridge with a gate... and your self love & self worth are the gate keepers.

Boundaries enable you to change your mind and say “no” after you may have already said yes...

And the best part. You will quickly find out who your people are, based on how they receive your boundaries. Those who don’t belong, will be hurt, pissed, upset by your boundaries. Those who are meant to be in your life will understand and respect your boundaries

When we look at it in this manner, boundaries are one of the best tools to help guide you through your life!!

Boundaries are your guardian to your “Pillars”, Morals, Fulfillment Needs and Values... which can be an entirely different writing topic 💖

The moral being, loving love isn’t frivolous, or weak... having Walls are like being in prison, and having Boundaries are the Bridge to something Extraordinary and Beautiful...

The Beauty of loving yourself so others can feel The RIPPLE Effect 💖

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