The Transformation to Loving you.. Unconditionally, Wholeheartedly

The Transformation to Loving you.. Unconditionally, Wholeheartedly

November 16, 20233 min read

My mission.

To help women create their extraordinary life...

As they define it.

10 years ago... I was leading a life that was less than ideal. I was still partying more than I should. I was hiding in the partying and the party crowd.

I was still a smoker.

Sure. I worked out.

I ate decent. But I still wasn’t healed. I was procrastinating everything that could lead me to success. I wasn’t disciplined. I wasn’t routined and structured.

And I had ZERO freedom.

In my heart, my mind, my body or my bank account

I had come out of marriage number 2 prior. I was running burnt out.

I was the pure definition of a woman who didn’t stand in her worth.

As I reflect back... I had started the healing process. I was doing some work. But to be honest, I was half assing everything in my life.

And I continued on that path in one variation or another until it just about killed me... i continued on choosing relationships that were unhealthy. Until I was in one that involved addictions. I allowed myself to be torn down to pieces.

I was broken.

What I didn’t know, at the time.

Sometimes we need to break, to have a break through. - thank you Tony Robbins for that call out.

When I came out of that relationship.

I started building myself.

Fighting my way to strength

Rising out of the ashes.

Creating a life that I wanted.

Not whatever the next boyfriend wanted.

It was about me. My self worth. And my kids. And their worth from me. And for themselves.

I was golfing, at this amazing course, near the mountains and I thought “wow! Is this really my life??”

I couldn’t help but think about how I have done so much work to get to this space.

It’s a Wednesday afternoon...

my clients are taken care of, my to do list is done, I had a massage, my business is growing, I have a zoom call scheduled for later with my university student daughter. And I have the time freedom to do ALL of the amazing things that today held BECAUSE

I claimed my self worth.

I got real stubborn about what I wanted

I got really persistent about moving to a new community to start a new chapter

I had my eye on my goals and had developed routine, discipline and did the actions behind the goals to get here!!

To my extraordinary life, as I define it.

I do what I do, with my clients, because I want them to have THAT!

It takes work.

It doesn’t just fall into ones lap.

All the people that are referred to as “lucky” have worked damn hard and have overcome obstacles to get where they are.

When people ask themselves, why they don’t have extraordinary? It’s because they’re not ready to do the work.

The work to be disciplined, routined, self loving, holding their self worth at all costs.

Keeping boundaries that allow them to have exactly what they want.

It can be a tough road.

A lonely road at times.

Staying in your lane is a requirement.

Are you ready to do any or all of those things??

How bad do you really want it??

If you want it as bad as you think you do, you’ll be willing to do what it takes to have what you want.

You have to decide,

Once and for all to have an

Extraordinary Life

Your extraordinary life.

Are you ready for the transformation??

The transformation to Loving you.

Unconditionally, Wholeheartedly

So you can have Extraordinary 💖

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