I started standing up for the little girl within

I Saved Me....

August 22, 20242 min read

Who hurt you?  

They asked. 

I did.  

I hurt me.  

You see.  Nothing happens to us without our permission.  We make choices out of woundedness and with the desire to feel something. Anything.  


I hurt me when I didn’t see my worth and value and stayed in situations that were unhealthy 

I hurt me when I stayed longer than I should have 

I hurt me when I saw the red flags and stayed anyways. 

I hurt me when I allowed people to speak unkind about me and not stand up for myself. 

I hurt me when I avoided doing my own healing work because it felt really hard and unsafe.  

I preferred the familiarity of chaos over the uncertainty of healing. 

How did you make it??  

How did you manage? 

How did you survive?  

I didn’t ever believe I had any other choice but to save myself.  No one was coming to save me.  

It was me.  

I saved me when I learned to prefer healing and uncertainty knowing that some day that would feel better and safe over the chaos I had experienced my whole life 

I saved me when I stepped into the healing work and even though I knew it was hard and I knew the feeling of safety would come 

I saved me when I stopped allowing people to speak unkind about me and stand up for myself, even though it “made me the bad guy”. 

I saved me when I saw the red flags and believed who they showed me they were the first time and left 

I saved me when I saw my worth and value and made choices that were best for me. 

Not for anyone else.  

I saved me when I stopped self sacrificing, thinking it was “my duty” 

I saved me when I started standing up for the little girl within who didn’t get the protection she deserved so many years ago. 

I saved me when I stayed on this path of growth, healing and enlightenment 

Stepping into my true authentic self. 

Acknowledging that I may not “fit in” as fitting in may require me to self abandon.  I am not willing to do that anymore.  Because I belong to me.  I belong everywhere ♥️

I saved me.  


Every person who can reflect on where they came from and know the healing version of them, this version,  is the person they needed at the beginning.  The person they needed all along… that’s who they’ve BECOME 

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