A Woman who knows her worth...

A Woman who knows her worth...

November 16, 20232 min read

A woman who knows her worth

Is self loving.

And loves hard, feels big and is all in,

She’s willing to risk it because she knows,

Even if the person she loves isn’t stepping up, she’s still got her own back

And she knows you deserve that kind of love too... but.

You have to be open to receive it and be willing to reciprocate, in order to keep her.

A woman who knows her worth

Speaks kindly and respectfully to herself.

(Even when her inner critic is freaking out on her)

And doesn’t tolerate when she’s been spoken to in a disrespectful manner.

Speak lovingly and respectful and she’ll always be with you

Have her back. Always.

And she’ll have yours.

A woman who knows her worth

Gives you chances to level up

Gives you opportunity to grow where it’s safe.

Comfort zones don’t work for her.

She’s spent most of her life out of her comfort zone through her hurts and traumas.

Now she does it on purpose through her growth and self challenging nature

She’s not going to sink into your comfort zone

A woman who knows her worth pays attention

Do your words line up with your actions?

She sees the walls.

Her intuition speaks to her and she trusts it and she listens to it.

A woman who knows her worth will choose being alone over a relationship if there’s deceit, lying and manipulating

She will not allow you to minimize or diminish her thoughts and feelings.

She’s worked too hard to trust herself and to have peace.

She won’t sacrifice it for anything.

She loves her own company and only allows those who add value to her life

A woman who knows her worth it a bit of wild creature.

Don’t try to tame her.

You are intrigued by her because of her wild nature.

Don’t try to cage her with all the other females you’ve ever entertained.

She Won’t give up her morals and values for you.

She doesn’t care how handsome you are, how much money you make.

She’s been on her own for so long, that she pays her own bills, handles her own life and did so in an inspiring way, long before you came along.

She has no problem doing it without you.

A woman who knows her worth and knows yours too, will choose you every day, and put you first... as long as you do the same for her.

When you put others in front of her, she will walk away. No matter how much she loves you.

It will break her.

She just won’t let you see it break her

She will love the hell out of herself to get her wounds to heal.

She will show up bigger for herself

She will walk with her head held high.

And she will continue to elevate

Because a woman who knows her worth doesn’t settle


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