Mental Health


November 17, 20232 min read

We have to make the decision to find ourselves

It doesn’t happen by default

Or by chance

It’s Intentional

It has to be.

Otherwise we stumble aimlessly and keep missing the mark.

We were raised by a generation of “let’s brush it under the rug, and no one talks about it”

We got through it, with those tactics, but we hadn’t addressed anything

We hadn’t healed anything

- we weren’t taught to -

And now.

We get the opportunity to do different

And teach our children something different

And something different,

Means acknowledging what we feel like we fell short on… not someone else’s opinion of where we went wrong. Ours.

I invite you to take a moment.


How do you feel about what you did when you were simply trying to survive??

I know I’m not proud of this things I did when I was simply trying to survive .. but it was up to me to make my own amends.

It was up to me to Choose myself

Just like it is up to you to choose yourself

And Self Forgiveness and Self Trust is often where the work needs to be, so that We can make better decisions and better choices that stood within our Morals and Values and Integrity.

It isn’t about someone else’s integrity..

It has to be within ours.

Sometimes the work of finding yourself means getting quiet…

It has to do with focus.

It has to do with the life trying to be build.

It has to do with the goals that are set.

It has to do with honouring the struggle

It develops the strength

It develops the character

Resilience, capacity for kindness and compassion.

The struggle helps us along the way

Willingness to persist

Finish what you’ve started.

Finish it well

Show up as your best self and in your fullest expression

Seeing being overlooked as an opportunity to be redirected

Be who you were meant to be.

Not who you were told to be.

Often. We’re told to be someone else’s vision, or dream with a bar set that they couldn’t ever reach

What a recipe for disaster!

And failure!!

Failure is a bar that’s set by someone else’s standard

Success is your standard.

So what does that look like?

You get to decide!!

Honour the struggles so you can learn!

Honour the struggles so you can grow and evolve!

Use them to ignite your persistence to

Choose yourself

Find yourself

Finish what you’ve started.

Finish it well

Show up as your best self and in your fullest expression

Be who you were meant to be.

Not who you were told to be.

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